Showing posts with label white. Show all posts
Showing posts with label white. Show all posts

Sunday, July 1, 2018

2016 Frank Family Vineyards Carneros Chardonnay

2016 Frank Family Vineyards Carneros Chardonnay

This post is a couple of weeks overdue, but the timing is right considering the scorching heat that most of the US is experiencing right now.  Many people feel that heavier red wines are cumbersome when the heat index is hovering around triple digits and while I am not one of those people, I think some white wines (slightly chilled) are better suited for the sweltering heat.  With that, I give you the 2016 Frank Family Vineyards Carneros Chardonnay.   This is Chardonnay exactly - e x a c t l y - how I like it to taste.  Whether or not oak is your thing, this 100% varietal has just enough that isn't overpowering, but it definitely helps bring the flavors together.  This wine has a really welcoming light gold color with lemon candy and warm buttered bread dominant on the nose.  Extremely creamy on the palate (again, just how I love it), lemon cake, baked cinnamon apple and baking spices combine beautifully and create a finish that clean and extremely satisfying.  This is definitely the best Chardonnay I have tasted in recent memory and it takes me back to our first California trip 9 years ago.  Frank Family Vineyards has really knocked this wine out of the park and as a side note, they have some of the most beautiful wine labels, which really adds to the conversation.  With 25,000 cases produced there is enough for everyone, so add this to your tasting line up.

2016 Frank Family Vineyards Carneros Chardonnay label

ABV:  14.4%

Carneros, Napa Valley, California

Suggested retail price:  $38.00

Drink The Bottles score:  95/100

Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Great Wine Glass Lie: Are you being duped?

Are differing styles of wine glasses really important?

Today I want to explore the wine glass industry and whether or not different styles of wine glasses are really that important in how you smell, taste and enjoy your wine.  For many years, I purchased dozens of different styles of wine glasses, from port to Champagne, to Cabernet, to Riesling, to............well, you get the point.  Why did I do this?   While I'm still asking myself this question, at the time, as a fledgling wine writer, it made sense to me.  I mean, in literally every wine publication I read or web site I visited, including forums, were ads for beautiful, lead-free crystal wine glasses that were the "best" for enhancing my wine enjoyment experience.   Well heck, these people must know much more than I do, so I better get them all!  (Or so I thought).

So why do we buy so many styles of wine glasses?  Or maybe a better question is, why do the larger wine glass companies create and market so many styles of wine glasses to the masses?  Do you really care if you're drinking a Cabernet out of a Syrah glass or a Gewurztraminer out of a glass that is labeled ideal for Riesling?  Maybe the bigger question here would be can you even tell the difference?  My answer would be no.  No, you cannot tell a difference.  Even if you are the very top sommelier at the pinnacle of your career, I challenge that you are full of crap if you think that there is a real need to stock a dozen or more different styles of wine goblets in your cabinets because they each pair wonderfully with your 1982 Chateau Overpriced Plonk.  Let's get real.

So then, why do we purchase different wine glasses and why are some of them ideal for different types of wine?  Red wine.   Ahhhh, let that soak in for a minute.   It's lovely and my personal favorite - Cabernet, Shiraz, Tempranillo, Petit Syrah, Merlot - I'll take it all!   And I'll drink it all from one wine glass.  For these lovelies, I use only one style (which is ironically called the One Red Wine Glass, which I purchased off of Amazon for about $12.50 each in bulk) and this glass has a 19.5 ounce capacity, a medium-to-long stem and a very well rounded bowl, great for cupping the glass and swirling.   I constantly swirl when drinking, probably to a fault, but I can't help it and I love the way the aromas waft upwards out of this glass.  If your budget only allows for one type of wine glass, get a "red" wine glass.  It's versatile enough for nearly everything you will be serving and 95% of your guests have no clue or care about varying styles.  So check off the first glass you need - RED.  

If you're going to have only one wine glass, make it a "red" one!

If you don't care what you serve your wine in to your guests or what you're drinking your Boone's Farm Strawberry wine in (other than straight from the bottle), you can stop reading now - if you even made it this far.  Game over.  You're welcome.  But, if you want a little variety and want to enjoy your Champagne (sorry America, all of ours is actually "sparking wine" made Methode Champenoise but we generally call it "Champagne" similarly to a tissue is a "Kleenex" for most), then you need to get some flutes.   No, this isn't that one time at band camp.  These are Champagne flutes.  Why?  Because they look pretty and classy?  Sure, let's face it.  That's one aspect of why we quaff from these dainty glasses.  But there is actually truth that the smaller, narrow, elongated design helps keep the bubbles in check and dancing around in the glass, which is why we drink Champagne, right?  It's the tasting experience that counts.  It's the lovely tickle in our noses and the yeasty tastes that are accentuated by the thousands of little bubbles that make this wine fun, delicious and memorable.  Truth be known, if I didn't have a flute and only had a coffee mug, well, this blogger would be partaking anyway!  But if you want the best drinking experience and have a budget for it, then check off your second wine glass here - Champagne flute.

Champagne flutes will keep the bubbles tickling your nose
You need nothing else.  No port glasses, no $200 Sommelier glass.  That's it.  But I will suggest that if you have regular wine parties, have some extra bucks that you aren't spending on one of your many wine club memberships or hell, maybe you just don't like to re-use wine glasses, then consider a white wine glass.   But don't get cute and don't get fancy.  Don't stress over Chardonnay versus Sauvignon Blanc or any other fake, commercialized, make-believe styles that are the "best" for your wine.  Just get something that has a smaller bowl than your red glass, has a good stem for gripping and for God's sake, don't get a stemless set!  More on that later.  A simple white wine glass with a stem will keep your wine the proper temperature, allow you to enjoy the flavors of your juice and if on a table setting, will remind your lovers that you have class damnit and you serve both red and white wines at your house!  The days of rinsing out red glasses for white wines and vice versa are over.  Spend a few bucks.  Get some whites.  Enjoy.  And we're done!   The third and only wine glass I would recommend is a white wine glass, and it's totally optional!

White wine glasses - optional but a good idea

I'll finish this ramble with a few pet peeves.   I guess I should start by saying that if you invite me over to your house, I'm not going to poo poo any of your drinkware and I'm confident that you and I and our band of hearty drinkers will have a hell of a good time.  But, if we can avoid a few things, I want to put those out here right now.  Stemless wine glasses.   I'm on the fence here.  I have actually used these recently with our neighbors and I admit that I really like the way they fit in my hand and there is much less of a chance that I'll knock one over and break it while sipping by the fire pit.  For that I am very thankful and they immediately generate a more relaxed atmosphere.  Ok, I have it!   Let's call these outside-only glasses, ok?  I now ban everyone from using these indoors, but have at them outdoors.  I have to add that the idea that the stemless wine glasses are "bad" because the temperature of your hands messes with the wine temperature and creates a lesser tasting experience is a bunch of shit.  There.  I said it.  Unless you are Marvel Comic's Human Torch, I don't think you'll have to worry about your "hotness" screwing with your wine.  And if you're sipping on one glass of wine all night while I'm opening my second bottle, then this will probably be the last time we drink together, so there's that.   Fingerprints on these glasses are the devil's work and the real problem with these glasses.  But if you concentrate on the friends and the wine, you can most likely get past your paw prints all over the glass.

Stemless wine glasses are on the fence - damn fingerprints!

Finishing off my pet peeves are glasses that I just don't like.  I don't care for them one bit.  They're wildly popular with the gift-giving crowd who occasionally sips the Moscato and thinks they are "big wine fans".  I'm not judging here (ok, maybe a little).   I guess I don't have a dog in this game because I'm not crafty and I won't drink from these.  I give you, the novelty wine glass...

Wine glass with a "deep" message - Pass!

Stick to the cookies and milk Santa.   Holy crap.
I will say that anyone who can create a wine glass that is unbreakable, beautiful, affordable and not full of poisonous materials will be my new best friend.  If these are your glasses, send them to me and I'll promote them until the cows come home.  That's a midwestern phrase and for those of you who don't know, that's a really, really good thing.  I've had too many accidents over the years that ruined a delicate wine glass and beautiful wine, just like the overpriced Riedel pictured below.  RIP.

Give me unbreakable and affordable wine glasses!

At the end of the day, you're going to drink wine out of whatever you want and I'm not mad at you.  But whatever you do, drink wine!   By the end of the night, we're all going to be having a grand old time and might even be following our buddy Miles and drink whatever we can get ahold of however we can get it down our throats!   Cheers!

Interesting way to drink wine!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

2017 Abacela Albarino

2017 Abacela Albarino

I'm always looking for a new and interesting wine, especially one made with a grape that isn't mainstream or widely produced.  Don't get me wrong - I absolutely love a velvety Chardonnay, but the 2017 Abacela Abarino introduced me to a grape that I had nearly forgotten but don't want to lose sight of again.  This wine is very light and made of a Spanish grape that presents wonderful floral and orange blossom aromas with canning spices.  The wine is crisp but not overly sharp, which allows it to be a great hors d' oeuvres accompaniment or a refreshing cooler on a hot summer day.  I really think this mildly sweet, fruitful wine would pair well with empanadas on the back deck.  With it's low alcohol content and light mouthfeel, you can easily forget that this is a wine, and not in a bad way.  I suggest drinking this lovely wine slightly chilled.

2017 Abacela Albarino label

ABV:  13.2%

Umpqua Valley, Oregon

Suggested retail price:  $21.00

Drink The Bottles score:  90/100

2016 JACK Reserve Sauvignon Blanc

2016 Jack Winery Reserve Sauvignon Blanc
I had the pleasure of tasting this 2016 JACK  Reserve Sauvignon Blanc, but I missed the mark by not enjoying it over a major league baseball game.  (Check out their story to see what this means!).  What first catches the eye on this specimen is the beautiful golden color and the logo that ties into the story of the founders.  This bottle is as handsome as Vernon and Chris are and popping the cork permeates the air with wafting aromas that suggest something special is about to happen to you.  I love California Sauvignon Blanc because it doesn't express overly grassy aromas like its New Zealand counterparts and it spotlights more fruity and floral aromas, which is the case here.  Honeysuckle and spring bouquet are dominant and inviting.  In the mouth is a silky example of a wine that has been well refined and initially has me dreaming of pineapple whip ice cream. This wine has bits of honeycomb and loads of baking spices along with a crisp green apple finish that is long and does not overpower the pineapple and spice.  I taste nearly all wines at room temperature so the flavors aren't muted, but I suspect this wine would be enjoyed best slightly chilled with a couscous salad or accoutrement of cheeses and herbaceous breads.  This is such a wonderful wine and I think it will drink amazingly for 3-5 years without hesitation!

ABV:  14.1%

Napa Valley, California

Suggested retail price:  $35.00

Drink The Bottles score:  92/100

Jack Winery

Saturday, April 14, 2018

2016 Chateau St Jean Creamy California Chardonnay

2016 Chateau St Jean Creamy California Chardonnay

Bright golden yellow in the glass, this 2016 Chateau St Jean Creamy California Chardonnay is a solid pairing for spicy Spanish foods.  A complete steal at under $15, this wine displays notes of baked apple pie, lemon and mineral.  In the mouth is a medium bodied and luscious creamy combination of creamy lemon cheesecake, stone fruits, dry mineral and hints of cedar.  Straight forward with a finish that is silky and sweet, this Chardonnay could be a daily drinker and I've seen it closer to the $10 price tag online, so you're going to really win with this one!

2016 Chateau St Jean Creamy California Chardonnay Label

ABV:  14.5%


Suggested retail price:  $12.99

Drink The Bottles score:  87/100

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

2015 Beringer Napa Valley Chardonnay

2015 Beringer Napa Valley Chardonnay

When one thinks of white wine in the Napa Valley, Chardonnay is the immediate varietal that pops into mind and almost always the star of the show.  What I love about Chardonnay, is like Cabernet, you can taste 10 of them glass-to-glass and have 10 very distinct flavor profiles and tasting experiences.  The 2015 Beringer Napa Valley Chardonnay displays a bright lemon peel color in the glass, aromas of pineapple, Caribbean fruits and buttery biscuit.  On the tongue is a really nice, brighter feeling that makes this wine a good companion with many types of food.  I would imagine this with a hot buffalo chicken dip, jalapeno poppers or a spicy Thai dish.  The flavors of nectarine, brown sugar and creamy bread pudding are well blended and lead to a bright and airy finish.

2015 Beringer Napa Valley Chardonnay Label

ABV:  14.1%

Napa Valley, California

Suggested retail price:  $24.00

Drink The Bottles score:  87/100

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

NV Treveri Cellars Blanc de Noirs

NV Treveri Cellars Blanc de Noirs

I had so much fun tasting this sparkling wine that I had to share it with friends.  I mean, after all, isn't that what loving wine is all about?  Let me first start by saying that if I find out anyone is taking this Treveri Cellars Blanc de Noirs sparkling wine and making mimosas out of it, I might throat punch you.  Go buy some blah blah blah $6.99 rot gut at the grocery store for that.  You'd be completely remiss and wasting a fantastic opportunity to taste a beautifully made, delicate sparkling wine from Washington state.  Lovely bouquet of strawberry and warm, handmade biscuits on the nose and that carries through to the flavors and micro bubbles that celebrate in the mouth.  This sparkling wine is so good that it is difficult to take your time and sip it.  I served this well chilled and think that was the right call.  The finish on this is extremely fine and smooth and leaves you wanting more.  

NV Treveri Cellars Blanc de Noirs Label

ABV:  12.8%

Columbia Valley, Washington

Suggested retail price:  $20.00

Drink The Bottles score:  91/100

Saturday, April 7, 2018

2016 Truchard Vineyards Chardonnay

2016 Truchard Vineyards Chardonnay

While one of the most popular white wines in the world, I feel like Chardonnay has become a little more forgotten with the popularity of Moscato and Riesling continually on the rise in most areas.  Why is that?  Because, frankly a lot of Chardonnay is very similar in taste and presentation.  There typically isn't a lot going on that makes you get excited.  But the 2016 Truchard Vineyards Chardonnay is a real head turner and one that will re-kindle your love for this varietal.  This Chardonnay, while spending time in oak, is nice and bright in the nose and in the mouth.  Pear, pineapple and toasted brioche are what I picked up on primarily in the glass.  In the mouth were some lovely flavors of lemon pie, baking spices, fresh cut apple and a finish that was clean and refreshing with a mineral presence.  The wine is absolutely delightful and a change from many heavy Chardonnay that are on the market.  Don't get me wrong.  I love a heavily oaked Chardonnay as much as the next person, but as we head into Spring and you're looking for something to share with friends over a wedge salad or pasta salad on the deck, this would be your choice and I would serve is moderately chilled.  You can't go wrong here!

2016 Truchard Vineyards Chardonnay Label

ABV:  14.1%

Carneros, Napa Valley, California

Suggested retail price:  $30.00

Drink The Bottles score:  91/100

Sunday, March 25, 2018

NV Treveri Cellars Brut Blanc de Blancs

NV Treveri Cellars Brut Blanc de Blancs

What do you see here?  Champagne!   No.  It's sparkling wine.  But we don't need to get into the whole conversation about sparkling wine and Champagne right now, do we?  If you want to know the history behind it and why this is sparkling wine....perform a quick Google search.  Now, me personally.....if someone says they are serving Champagne with hors d'oeuvres at brunch, well, I'm not going to get mad at them when it's American sparkling wine nor am I going to correct them.  In many cases, sparking wine has much more appeal than several Champagne I've tried over the years, both in flavor and price point.  This NV Treveri Cellars Brut Blanc de Blancs is made in the Champagne style and expresses green apple and a beautifully balanced warm bread yeasty flavor that is delicious.  Beautiful pale golden color (this is a Chardonnay blend).  Micro bubbles help lift and muted apple and pear aromas and when served slightly chilled, this sparking wine is refreshing and an excellent pairing with finger foods like smoked salmon on toast points.  Here's a fact I just found out about Treveri Cellars:  Their wines have been served at the White House.  I think that says a lot about the quality and popularity.  And for the value, you'd be remiss not to have a couple of bottles lying around for your Sunday brunch.

NV Treveri Cellars Brut Blanc de Blancs Label

ABV:  12.0%

Yakima Valley, Washington

Suggested retail price:  $15.00  

Drink The Bottles score:  87/100

Saturday, March 24, 2018

2016 Dawn's Dream Chardonnay Escolle Vineyard

2016 Dawn's Dream Chardonnay Escolle Vineyard

The 2016 Dawn's Dream Winery Chardonnay (Escolle Vineyard) is a flavorful, welcoming and refreshing Chardonnay with layers of flavors.  Medium golden in color, this wine presents nose-filling fruitful aromas of juicy pineapple, vanilla, lemon, spring flowers and........ a faintness of orange peel?  It seems like this wine changes every minute and I find it extremely intriguing and satisfying.  In the mouth it's a collaboration of flavors that include citrus flavors, lemon zest, light green grasses and brown sugar.  For such a young wine, it is drinking spot on and I (of course) sampled this around room temperature.  It's not overly oaked and not heavy at all.  I'd suggest some pasta with light cream sauce (fettuccine maybe?) or a roasted chicken dish with fresh garden vegetables as a well-paired duo.

2016 Dawn's Dream Chardonnay Escolle Vineyard Label

ABV:  14.0%

Santa Lucia Highlands, California

Suggested retail price:  $30.00

Drink The Bottles score:  92/100

2016 Galante Vineyards Wagon Wheel Sauvignon Blanc

2016 Galante Vineyards Wagon Wheel Sauvignon Blanc

Such incredible concentrated aromas of peach, pineapple and lemon zest, this 2016 Galante Vineyards Wagon Wheel Sauvignon Blanc is definitely now in my all-time favorite top 10 for this varietal.  A lot of Sauvignon Blanc give an almost pungent, overly strong grassy overtone on the nose, but not this one.  It is well refined, not overly acidic and is bursting with flavors of peach, slate, pineapple and lemon candies.  The wine is refreshing, bright and extremely memorable.  The back of the throat really opens up for this wine.  My biggest regret is not having a plate of soft cheeses or some bruschetta to sit back with, watch the snow fall and finish this beautiful bottle of wine.  You better hurry with this one, as the production was only 380 cases.  If you're looking for something different and delicious that will drink well over the next 3 years easily, this is it.  Thank me later.

2016 Galante Vineyards Wagon Wheel Sauvignon Blanc Label

ABV:  13.5%

Carmel Valley, California

Suggested retail price:  $35.00

Drink The Bottles score:  94/100

2016 Avalon Chardonnay

2016 Avalon Chardonnay

If I was able to take a thermos of lunch to work in the summer, I'd probably fill it with this 2016 Avalon Winery California Chardonnay.  Why?  Well, first of all because drinking wine at work would be fun, but mostly because this is a very easy drinking wine that represents most budget-minded California Chardonnay in a positive light.  Apple and pear on the nose, light golden color with pear and smoky cheese on the palate, and a quick finish.  This is the kind of wine that you should always have around and slightly chilled for those impromptu summer hangout with friends.  If the first glass doesn't completely make you a fan, the second one will.  Very versatile foodie wine.  I think you could even serve this with a ham and cheese sandwich (hence, the take it to work with you wine) and be completely happy!

2016 Avalon Chardonnay Label

ABV:  13.5%

Central Coast, California

Suggested retail price:   $11.99   

Drink The Bottles score:  85/100

Sunday, March 18, 2018

2016 Readers Chardonnay

2016 Readers Chardonnay

This Columbia Valley Chardonnay from Bookwalter Winery is a straight forward, fun  sipping wine that presents lemon, pear, dried grasses and hints of mineral throughout the nose.  It's not overly aromatic, but the flavors are the stars here.  The blending of Viognier helps make this sweet and bright.  Flavors of candied lemon, pear and honey on the tongue and all the way through the finish.  Although I taste and drink most of my white wines at room temperature, I think this wine would be incredibly refreshing served very cool and with oysters on the half shell or with a cobb salad.  For the price point, it would be easy to have 2 or 3 bottles around all of the time.  This wine is 76% Chardonnay and 24% Viognier.

ABV:  13.6%

Columbia Valley, Washington

Suggested retail price:  $20.00

Drink The Bottles score:  88/100

2016 Readers Chardonnay label

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

2017 Hedges Family Estate CMS Sauvignon Blanc

2017 Hedges Family Estate CMS Sauvignon Blanc

The 2017 CMS Sauvignon Blanc from Hedges Family Estate is a brand new, freshly bottled offering that is a very nice surprise compared to the thousands of other options you have.  This wine doesn't stun you with the color, but rather the incredibly aromatic displays of lemon peel, pineapple and pear.  It's not overbearing with lemongrass or fresh cut grass like many of it's brothers and sisters of the same varietal.  While that's quite typical of SB, a little can go a long way!  And just like 99% of white wines, I tasted this one at right around room temperature of 70 degrees.  I do that to get the real feel of the wine.  If you're looking for something refreshing, pop this in the fridge and drink it with a slaw dog and fried mushrooms!  Made in the traditional Sauvignon Blanc style, but this has a fuller mouthfeel with less brightness than typical SB's.  It's a very welcoming surprise and I'm a really big fan!

ABV:  13.5%

Columbia Valley, Washington

Suggested retail price:  $14.00

Drink The Bottles score:  89/100

2017 CMS Sauvignon Blanc close up

Saturday, March 10, 2018

2016 Dry Creek Vineyard Fumé Blanc

2016 Dry Creek Vineyard Fumè Blanc

Dry Creek Vineyard has been a favorite of mine for several years, as they have a great selection of red and white wines and this 2016 Fumé Blanc is one of their staples.  This varietal has become more popular over the years, but still pales in comparison to a Chardonnay or Riesling.  And if you're going to put yourself out there, you better make this wine stand out and make it memorable.   That's exactly what the good people at DCV give you with their latest Fumé Blanc.  Tons of lemon and lime fruits are front and center at swirling.  A little bit of honey and pineapple are faintly familiar.  Oh, I guess this would be a great time for me to tell you that I drink most of my white wines at room temperature or just slightly cooler than that.  I hate going to someone's house where they pull a white wine out of the refrigerator and start pouring.  Refreshing?  Sure.  Flavorful?  Not as much as if the wine is least, in my opinion.  In the mouth this wine is bright and airy and the lemon shines through with a flavor at the end reminiscent of cut grass, which is what you would expect from a wine made with 100% with Sauvignon Blanc grapes.  Dried herbs and light brown sugar make up a very flavorful finish.  Although I didn't drink this with any food, I think fried calamari (yes, it's 2018 and I still eat fried food) would be a favorable pairing.  

ABV:  13.5%

Sonoma County, California

Suggested retail price:  $15.00

Drink The Bottles score:  89/100

Friday, March 9, 2018

NV Cooper's Hawk Sangria White

Cooper's Hawk Sangria White
Typically we save Sangria, both white and red, for summer months.  Nothing beats a hot July day with some white Sangria and some fresh fruits thrown in to enhance the wine.  Cooper's Hawk is based out of Illinois and I typically tell people their wines, for the most part, have a strong Midwest appeal.  What I mean is that they are full of flavor.  If you're more into flavor instead of depth, tannin, lingering mouth feel blah, blah, blah then check out some of their popular wines.  The NV (non-vintage) Sangria White is a bright and fruity wine that bounces some nectarine, peach and apricot around in your nose.  This medium-yellow wine drinks very smoothly as a good Sangria should and tastes like the previously mentioned fruits.  Take a bottle of this, put it in a pitcher with ice and throw in some strawberries for a good time.  Pairs very well with light cheeses and meats.  You'll like this!

ABV:  12.5%

Suggested retail price:  $14.99

Drink The Bottles score:  83/100

Redemption Sur Lee Straight Rye Whiskey

  One thing you know about us is that we love unique.  And since Jeff has been heavily involved in wine for so many years, this whiskey caug...